Group Therapy
Group therapy can be an effective way to address your concerns while making positive changes in your life. In group psychotherapy, a small group of people, 10-12, meet together under the therapist's guidance. Group therapy can help with several different concerns, including but not limited to depression and anxiety, to name a few issues.
Group psychotherapy is an effective form of therapy in which a small number of people meet together under the guidance of a professionally trained therapist to help themselves and one another. There are many different approaches to group therapy, but they share in common creating a safe, supportive, and cohesive space to address personal, relationship, and societal issues. In addition, group therapy can benefit those seeking self-development by providing a safe environment to learn and grow.
Groups will be designed to address a specific concern, and time will be limited to 12 weeks. Confidentiality is an essential part of the ground rules for group therapy. However, there's no guarantee of privacy when sharing with others, so use common sense when divulging personal information. Remember that you're not the only one sharing your personal story. Groups work best where there is open and honest communication between members.
Group members will start as strangers, but in a short time, you'll most likely view them as a valuable and trusted source of support.